


品牌創辦人David Samuelsson的祖父早期是一位煙囪清潔工,雖然沒有豐碩的收入,但是祖父對自己的穿著風格十分重視,只購買質料良好的服裝並堅持優雅紳士風格。祖父衣櫃鞋櫃中的收藏雖然不多,但對待所有衣服鞋子如珍寶般的小心呵護,David小時候更常見祖父在清潔整理衣物鞋子的過程中,如珍惜藝術品般的端倪欣賞。在這樣耳濡目染下所深植的信念,隨著時光的流逝,這些蘊藏著美好記憶的收藏非但沒有耗損,反而在悉心呵護下,展現獨具堅毅雅緻的生活品味,也造就了Tangent GC的品牌核心理念。

衣著風格頌揚著美與生活,精緻的質料剪裁,細節的考究打磨,反映充滿美學的生活方式。Tangent GC延續家族精神與信念所發展的系列產品,涵括衣物與鞋履清潔保養,以簡潔自然的方式悉心照料衣物鞋履的質地與工藝,將潔淨衣物鞋履視為美好生活的儀式,確保珍愛的物件最趨近於純粹的完美狀態。

My grandfather, chimney sweep by profession, could sometimes come across as a bit coarse. He was, nonetheless, meticulous when it came to his wardrobe and dressed with a certain degree of elegance. He did not own many clothes, but the clothes he did have he knew how to care for. His Sunday best was brushed down after use and his collars starched. When out of his wingtips, he made sure to put shoetrees in them and followed this up with contemplative polishing.

Somewhere along the way we stopped caring ­– presumably when mass produced, cheap, and oftentimes deficient, clothing was introduced. Due to wear and tear the mere idea of garment care seemed distant. And this came to pass over the course of just one generation or two.

Nowadays though, when quality of fabric and pattern making – the passion for craftsmanship –­ is of interest once more, so is the need for proper care. In the light of this we are set to provide a superior range of garment care products, not emanating from the chemical industry or flung off conveyor belts, but products that will naturally and effectively give your garments a long life.

David Samuelsson, Founder

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